Babington 2023 暑期班即將起航!
7月17日 - 8月31日
今個夏天,Babington 特別設計了 7 個星期不同主題的暑期課程,既可學習英語,又可爲你的小朋友增添一個豐富而有趣的學習假期。
在 Weekly Summer Programme 課程裏,會運用 Babington 獨特的教學方法,配以活動和手作,幫助提高小朋友對英語的興趣和學習能力。與此同時,RWI 課程會以促進班的形式進行,以元音拼讀技巧作為基礎,給予小朋友另一個方法,更易去掌握讀寫英語。
記得把握 “兩堂免費課堂優惠”!
(Babington English Ladder / RWI by Babington 課程)
Welcome to Babington Summer Programme 2023!
July 17th - August 31st
This summer, we have 7 weeks of specially designed lessons to enrich your child's holiday and their English learning.
There will be unique activities everyday taught in our signature teaching methodology in the Weekly Summer Programme, as well as our popular RWI programme designed to help raise your child's phonics abilities.
Contact your nearest branch to find out more!
Ask us about our "2 Free Lessons promotion"!
(Babington English Ladder / RWI by Babington)
Learn about our summer programme, the schedule and other details by visiting our Summer Programme website