join our team and become a...
dangerously good teacher!
The purpose of this pack is to clearly define the job description so to better set and meet expectations from both the employer and the employee. It allows you to learn as much about the company before you decide whether or not you wish to join our team. Since many of our teachers are hired abroad, it is even more important to clearly define the job and what it is like to be working here at Babington Education. In addition, this pack offers you information and instructions as to how to prepare for the interview. As with all interviews, the better you prepare, the greater the chance of your success.
There is a lot of information here. It's going to take you some time to sift through all this information and it took us even more time to compile it. We created to because we understand it is ABSOLUTELY PARAMOUNT that the job is transparently and properly described so you know exactly what you are getting into, especially if you are applying from abroad. We understand that this is a huge commitment on your part and we respect that so hence that is why we took the time and effort to properly, fully and transparently describe the job and expectations.
Make sure you read this very carefully and watch the video at the end.
About our Company
We are an English language learning centre for kids 3-12 years old. Children attend our learning centres when not in school. This means our peak time is when school is off, which includes Saturdays. We are based in Hong Kong and we have many branches across HK and we are growing from strength to strength. We are the largest RWI phonics provider and the most experienced RWI provider in Hong Kong. We teach thousands of students on a weekly basis. We are a band of "dangerously good teachers"!
Our Learning Centres
Though all our centres are registered with the Education Department of Hong Kong as schools, we do not operate as a mainstream school, we operate as a learning centre, specifically an English language learning centre. Most our centres are in shopping malls and are between 3-5 classrooms.
Job Description
To read the full job description, please click on this link. Make sure you read this link fully so you can qualify for the role.
General Terms & Conditions
To read the T&C, click on this link . Please note this link provides a reference point and is not binding. It serves to summarise the key points of the terms. This does not replace the employment contract, you should read both. Make sure you read the clause on the 12 months minimum commitment.
Employment Contract
Click here to download the latest dummy employment contract. Make sure you read the clause on the 12 months minimum commitment.
Other ways to learn about Babington Education
Website: www.babington.edu.hk
Facebook: www.facebook.com/babingtoneducation
Branch Locations
As of December 2022, we have 37 locations across Hong Kong serving thousands of students. Click here for the branch locations.
Most of our locations are within walking distance to the MTR trains. You can use the MTR planner tool to work out the travel. Other means of travel are buses which are KMB if on the Kowloon side or Citybus if on the Hong Kong Island side.
To give you a sense of the accommodation in Hong Kong, you should expect to spend anywhere between $7,000 to $9,000 on accommodation. Here are some references for you:
Visa Application
The company will sponsor your visa and the visa process takes approximately 4-6 weeks, however it may take longer if there are missing documents. It is therefore very important that candidates submit their documents to the company ASAP so the company can start the visa application process. Upon successfully being granted the visa, the candidate will have to collect the visa from the Immigration Department of Hong Kong (in Hong Kong) and the candidate will be responsible for paying the visa fee upon visa collection. The fee is around HK$200.
Since we are regulated by the Education Department of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, all staff members of Babington are required to comply to relevant government regulations. Our Teacher's Application Portal app will take you through the neccessary forms and declarations.
Remuneration Package
5 day work week
14 days annual leave (FYI HK has 17 public holidays)
Private medical care coverage*
Private hospitalization coverage*
Life insurance coverage*
Sponsorship for formal phonics training by Ruth Miskin Training
Salary will be paid at the end of each month via bank transfer. You will need to apply for a HSBC bank account. You will be paid in cash before your bank account is approved by the bank.
MPF (your pension fund): Our company uses AIA as the company's pension fund. Each month the company will contribute an additional 5% of your monthly salary to your own pension fund.
Incremental salary adjustments:
Performance Review: Each October, all staff salaries are adjusted. This adjustment takes place as long as you have passed the 3 months probation. This period is called the performance review and your salary will be adjusted for inflation and performance. If you have worked for less than 1 year by October, you will only get inflation adjustments. If you have worked for 12 months or more, then you will get the full adjustment which is inflation and performance. Every year, your salary will be compensated for inflation.
Grade 2 Teacher: Upon reaching 18 months of service, you will be promoted to Grade 2 Teacher with an accompanying pay raise.
Hong Kong has a very low and progressive tax rate (at about 10% of your salary in the financial year 2018-2019). You can learn more about the tax rate here.
Applicable to overseas candidates ONLY:
Please read the latest COVID-19 related information from the official Government Website regarding in-bound travel and quarantine.
*Coverage is subject to change upon policy terms and conditions.

Our interview process varies depending if you are hired locally or from abroad.
I am applying locally, I am in HK right now!
Our interview stages consists of 3 parts:
Pre-interview video introduction: Getting to know us (the company, describing the job and setting expectations)
Zoom interview: Getting to know you (recorded)
Lesson observation: Watching you teach a short portion of a class
The first is the initial interview which will be conducted via Zoom. The reason why we use Zoom is because we screen record (with your permission) the interview so we can share it with various stakeholders of the company. This means you will not have to do multiple rounds of interviewing, saving you time and money. In the first interview we get to know you better and you get to ask some more questions regarding the job and organisation. The second part is a lesson observation where you will be asked to participate in a full lesson and given a small section of the lesson to conduct. The purpose of the second interview is for us to evaluate your personality to see if you are the right fit! To see how you interact with the children, to see the chemistry between you and the kids as well as to have a glimpse of your teaching style.
I am applying from abroad, I am not in HK right now!
Our interview stages consists of 2 parts:
Pre-interview video introduction: Getting to know us (the company, describing the job and setting expectations)
Zoom interview: Getting to know you (recorded)
The first stage is to watch the video which is designed to fully describe the job and the company and expectations in a transparent manner. You can do this anytime you like before the Zoom interview. You should watch the entire video as it is extremely comprehensive and useful in getting to know what you are getting yourself into! After this, you will meet us over Zoom and this is when we get to know you better and this is the point where you need to impress us with your enthusiasm, energy and positivity!
(Don't skip this, in the Zoom interview, we will be asking you about this video)

As of 1 January 2019, Babington ceased its relationship with Oxford University Press. However, the formal training we offer for our teachers remains the same in that is it delivered by the same company, Ruth Miskin Training (UK) and the certificate teacher receive after passing training remains the same certificate issued by Ruth Miskin Training.
The purpose of this section is to help you succeed in the interview.
Before the interview, you should do the following:
Connect to the interviewer at least ONE HOUR BEFORE the scheduled interview by Zoom (preferred), Skype, WhatsApp or Email. Send a message explaining who you are and that you are prepared for the meeting at the scheduled time. Please note Zoom and Skype are the only methods we accept to conduct the actual interview. We are unable to interview via WhatsApp. The Zoom ID is in the interview invitation email or message. Please note, if you fail to connect to the interviewer 1 hour before the interview, your scheduled interview will be cancelled.
Read the entire Teacher Job Pack: https://www.babington.edu.hk/teacher-job-pack
Read the terms & conditions and dummy contract in the job pack.
Watch the video presentation at the end of the job pack (50mins).
Read the COVID-19 link that explains in full transparency how we handled and are handling COVID-19.
To help you succeed, here are some tips:
A Zoom interview should be treated as a regular in-person formal interview. You should ensure you both look professional and presentable and you should sound professional and presentable.
You should be conducting the interview in a suitable place. A cafe or a noisy restaurant is not a suitable place for a professional interview.
Since this will be a video interview, you should be using a handsfree headset with a built-in microphone. This helps prevent echos and other unwanted feedback.
You should ensure you have a decent internet connection. If the interviewer cannot hear or see you due to the connection, your overall profile will be significantly negatively affected.
You should test your equipment (Zoom, video and audio) before your interview.
You will be asked to introduce yourself. Many candidates fail here by giving a brief introduction. Do not give a “nutshell” introduction but instead introduce yourself in great depth. You can talk about your qualifications (degree and teaching-related qualifications), working experience (teaching or non-teaching), working experience with children, travelling experience, overseas working experience, why you want to work in Hong Kong etc.
You will be asked if you have read this job description (this web page), so make sure you do read it thoroughly!
You will be asked if you watched the video at the end. It’s 50 mins long so make sure you watch it ahead of time.